Sollund R., C.H. Stefes, A.R. Germani (a cura di) (2016). Fighting Environmental Crime in Europe and Beyond: The Role of the EU and Its Member States, Palgrave Macmillan Publishers.
Germani A.R. (2008). Analisi economica del diritto e ambiente: regole e discrezionalità nei sistemi-paese, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli.
Riviste internazionali (peer-reviewed)
Germani A.R., A. Castaldo, A. Ker (2024). "Sticks, Carrots, and Environmental Crime in Italy", European Journal of Law and Economics, (sharedIT link:
Germani A.R., G. Marini, A. D'Amato, A. Ker (2024). "Do Environmental Crimes Contribute to Air Pollution? Empirical Evidence and Effects on Health", Economia Politica,
Castaldo A., A.R. Germani, A. Marrocco, M. Forti, A. Salustri (2023). "Drivers and frictions of workplace accidents: an empirical investigation on cross-country European heterogeneity", Applied Economics,
Germani A.R., M. Rao, F. Rosignoli (2022). "An Environmental Justice Indicator for Managing Environmental Risk in the Italian Provinces", Socioscapes – International Journal of Societies, Politics and Cultures, 3(1): 159-185 -
Germani A.R., A. Castaldo, A. Pergolizzi (2021). "Does education affect environmental crime? A dynamic panel data approach at provincial level in Italy”, International Criminal Justice Review: 1-18,
Germani A.R., P. Scaramozzino, A. Castaldo, G. Talamo (2021). "Does air pollution influence internal migration? An empirical investigation on Italian provinces", Environmental Science and Policy [IF: 4.767], vol. 120; 11-20,
Ferrante L., A.R. Germani (2020). "Does Circular Economy Play a Key Role in Economic Growth?", Economics Bulletin, vol. 40 (3); 1855-1862 - ISSN: 1545-2921,
Germani A.R, A. P. Ker, A. Castaldo (2020). "On the existence and shape of an environmental crime Kuznets Curve: A case study of Italian provinces", Ecological Indicators [IF: 4.229], vol. 108,
Germani A.R., P. M. Falcone, G. D'Alisa, P. Morone (2019). “When all seemed lost. A social network analysis of the waste-related environmental movement in Campania, Italy", Political Geography, 77 [IF5: 3.567],
Germani A.R., P. Scaramozzino, A. Morone, P. Morone (2017). “Discretionary Enforcement and Strategic Interactions between Enforcement Agencies and Firms: a Theoretical and Laboratory Investigation”, Journal of Regulatory Economics [IF5: 1.223], vol.52 (3); 255-284, DOI 10.1007/s11149-017-9341-y,
Germani A.R., G. D’Alisa, P. Falcone, P. Morone (2017). Political Ecology of Health in the Land of Fires: a hotspot of Environmental Crimes in the South of Italy, in Journal of Political Ecology, 24; 59-86,
Germani A.R., A. Pergolizzi, F. Reganati (2015). Illegal Trafficking and Unsustainable Waste Management in Italy: Evidence at the Regional Level, in Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, 4(4); 369-389, 10.9770/jssi.2015.4.4(5)
Germani A.R., A. Pergolizzi, F. Reganati (2015). Law Enforcement and Illegal Trafficking of Waste: Evidence from Italy, in Economics Bulletin, vol.35 (4); 2673-2684, ISSN: 1545-2921,
Germani A.R., P. Morone, G. Testa (2014). Environmental Justice and Air Pollution: a Case Study on Italian Provinces, Ecological Economics [IF5: 5.236], 106; 69-82,
Germani A.R., A. Morone, P. Morone (2014). Individual and Group Behaviour in the Traveler’s Dilemma: an Experimental Study, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics [IF5: 1.431], vol. 49; 1-7,
Germani A.R., D.C. Cory (2002). Criminal Sanctions for Agricultural Violations of the Clean Water Act, in Water Policy, vol. 4 (6); pp. 491-514, ISSN: 1366-7017,
Riviste nazionali (peer-reviewed)
Germani A.R. et al. (2022). Il “Fit for 55” unpacked: un’analisi multidisciplinare degli strumenti e degli obiettivi delle proposte settoriali per la decarbonizzazione dell’economia europea, Rivista della Regolazione dei Mercati, fascicolo n. 1/2022, pag. 409,
Rao M., L. Lezzi, A.R. Germani (2021). Blockchain e smart contracts: sfide e opportunità di un futuro già presente, in Diritto Mercato Tecnologia, 29/01/2021,
Germani A.R., G. Talamo, P. Scaramozzino (2018). Air Pollution and Migration in Italy: an Empirical Investigation at Provincial Level, in Energia Ambiente e Innovazione, n. 1; 26-31, ISSN: 1124 - 0016 - DOI 10.12910/EAI2018-004,
Germani A.R., A. Pergolizzi, F. Reganati (2017). Le determinanti del traffico organizzato di rifiuti in Italia: un’analisi empirica a livello regionale, in Rivista Economica del Mezzogiorno, n.1-2, SVIMEZ, ed. Il Mulino: Bologna – ISSN: 1120-9534.
Germani A.R. (2003). Environmental Economics and Water Resources Management: an International Comparison, in Economia Internazionale-International Economics vol. LVI, n. 4, pp. 435-454.
Germani A.R. (2002). Sostituibilità ed Elasticità degli Inputs: un Caso Studio, in Rivista Italiana di Economia, Demografia e Statistica, vol.56, n. 4.
Volumi collettanei
Germani A.R., A. Castaldo (2024). Environmental Crime and Shadow Economy: Evidence from Italy (, in Research Handbook on Environmental Crimes and Criminal Enforcement, Susan L. Smith, Iina Sahramäki (eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing: UK - ISBN: 9781035309504.
Germani A.R., A. Castaldo, A. Ker (2024). Does Income Inequality Lead to More Environmental Crime in Italy? in Ecomafie: Crimine Organizzato, Business e Ambiente, M. Cancio Meliá, L. Cornacchia (eds.), Franco Angeli: Milano - ISBN: 9788835160915.
Castaldo A., S. Daddi, M. Forti, A. Marrocco, M.A. Antonelli, A.R. Germani (2023). Le politiche di sostegno agli investimenti in SSL influiscono sulla produttività delle imprese? in Castaldo A., E. Ragazzi, L. Sella (eds.), E' possibile incentivare la sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro? Evidenze e approcci sulla valutazione di efficacia, Giappichelli Editore: Torino.
Castaldo A., A.R. Germani, A. Marrocco, M. Forti, A. Salustri (2023). Le determinanti degli infortuni sul lavoro: un’analisi sull’eterogeneità a livello europeo, in Castaldo A., E. Ragazzi, L. Sella (eds.), Politiche di sostegno agli investimenti in tema di salute e sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro: i bandi ISI INAIL e il contesto di riferimento, Giappichelli Editore: Torino.
Germani A.R., A. Castaldo (2022). Income inequality and environmental crime in Italy: an empirical analysis at regional level, in Antonelli M.A. (ed.), Inequalities, welfare policies and macroeconomic sustainability of public finances, McGraw Hill: Milano.
Germani A.R. (2022). Gli Energy Performance Contracts come Strumenti di Efficientamento Energetico nella Prospettiva dell’Analisi Economica del Diritto, in Valeriani E. (ed.), La riqualificazione energetica del patrimonio immobiliare e i contratti di rendimento energetico: profili pubblicistici e privatistici, Cisalpino - Monduzzi Editore, Milano - Collana Economia e Diritto.
Germani A.R., A. Pergolizzi, F. Reganati (2018). Eco-Mafia and Environmental Crime in Italy: Evidence from the Organised Trafficking of Waste, in: Spapens T., R. White, D. van Uhm, W. Huisman, (eds.), Green Crimes and Dirty Money, London: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group – ISBN 9780815372219.
Germani A.R., G. D’Alisa, P.M. Falcone, P. Morone (2016). Victims in the ‘Land of Fires’: Illegal Waste Disposal in the Campania Region, Italy, in: Sollund R., C.H. Stefes, A.R. Germani (eds.), Fighting Environmental Crime in Europe and Beyond: The Role of the EU and Its Member States, Palgrave Macmillan Publishers.
Germani A.R., C.H. Stefes (2016). Summary of Findings and the Way Forward, in: Sollund R., C.H. Stefes, A.R. Germani (eds.), Fighting Environmental Crime in Europe and Beyond: The Role of the EU and Its Member States, Palgrave Macmillan Publishers.
Germani A.R., P. Morone (2014). Urban requalification between technological innovation and sustainable development, in Benessere e Regole dei Rapporti Civili. Lo sviluppo oltre la Crisi (AA.VV), vol. IX; pp.291-301, ESI, Napoli, ISBN:9788849529722.
Germani A.R., A. Morone, P. Morone (2010). An Experimental Study on Discretionary Environmental Enforcement, in Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation, vol. VIII, Oxford University Press.
Germani A.R., Y. Meroz (2005). L’Unione Europea ed il Principio Precauzionale tra l’Incudine e il Martello, in Istituzioni ed Imprese nello Sviluppo Locale, Lopes A., Lorizio M. and Reganati F. (eds), Carocci editore, Roma.
Germani A.R. (2003). La Politica Ambientale tra Allargamento e Dualismo, in Neodualismo: Istituzioni, Mercati e Politiche di Intervento, A. Giannola and C. Imbriani (eds), Rubbettino Editore, Soveria Mannelli, pp. 301-326.
Altre pubblicazioni (rapport di ricerca, working papers, ecc.)
A. Castaldo, A.R. Germani, A. Marrocco, M. Forti (2022). "Drivers and frictions of workplace accidents: an empirical investigation of cross-country European heterogeneity", Public Finance Research Papers, n. 55 – Institute of Economics and Finance, Department of Juridical and Economic Studies, Sapienza University of Rome, finance-research-papers
Germani A.R., G. D’Alisa, P. Falcone, C. Imbriani, P. Morone, F. Reganati (2015). “Victims in the Land of Fires: a case study on the consequences of buried and burnt waste in Campania, Italy” - EFFACE Report -
Germani A.R., G. D’Alisa (2015). “Illegal trafficking of waste: insights from the Land of fires, Campania (Italy)”, EFFACE Policy Brief n. 3, 2015 -
EFFACE Conclusions and Recommendations (various authors) – EFFACE REPORT 2016 -
Farmer A., A.R. Germani, R. Sollund (2015). Conclusions of the EFFACE case studies – EFFACE Report -
Germani A.R., C. Gerstetter (2015). “The role of the victims of environmental crime and civil society” – EFFACE Report - (pp. 53-63)
“The quantitative and monetary impacts of forest fire crimes” – EFFACE Report 2015,
A.R. Germani (2013). “L’ambiente in uno sviluppo economico duale”, in Rapporto SVIMEZ 2013 sull’economia del Mezzogiorno, Il Mulino: Bologna.
A.R. Germani (2012). “Eterogeneità territoriale e ambiente: specializzazione produttiva ed enforcement”, in Rapporto SVIMEZ 2012 sull’economia del Mezzogiorno, Il Mulino: Bologna.
Germani A.R. (2008). Environment and Development: a Law and Economics Approach, in Quaderni del Dipartimento Innovazione e Società (DIES) n. 11, Università di Roma “Sapienza”.
Germani A.R., P. Scaramozzino (2007). Modeling Discretion through Randomized Strategies, SOAS – CeFiMS working paper n. 83,
Germani A.R. (2007). The Environmental Enforcement in the Civil and the Common Law System. A Case on the Economic Effects of Legal Institutions, in Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Matematiche e Statistiche(DSEMS) n. 22, Università di Foggia,
Germani A.R. (2004). Environmental Law and Economics in U.S. and E.U.: a Common Ground?, CeFiMs - SOAS – Discussion Paper n. 45,